How To Properly Clean A Sectional Couch
Sectional couches are great. They provide ample seating and have an unique design. However, due to the design and the variety of custom features, sectional couches can be hard to clean. Thankfully there are several ways to effectively clean a sectional couch.
Proper vacuuming is essential for maintaining your sectional couch. It prevents attracting pests and prevents food residue build up. If you can, remove the cushions before vacuuming. To get into cracks between the cushions and the edges of the couch use a crevice tool. This removes crumbs and dirt from the couch.
Light Cleaning -Once A Month
If your couch is light coloured dirt and shading can be visible. To managed the dirt shading, use a solution of mild soapy water and a microfiber cloth. Use the damp cloth to gently go over the dirty sections of the couch.
Annual Cleaning
The only way to give your sectional couch a deep cleaning is with professional furniture cleaning. Professional couch cleaning not only cleans the couch material but also extracts and removes the dirt from within the material. For additional benefits use eco-friendly furniture cleaning services.
For all your furniture and couch cleaning needs Vivid Cleaning can assist you. We clean all types of furniture including couches, loveseats, armchairs, sectional couches, benches, sofas and more. We use eco-friendly furniture cleaning solutions an expert equipment. We clean furniture in Toronto, Markham, Vaughan, Etobicoke, Mississauga and the GTA. Make your life easier today!
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